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Big Bird Race - Youth RACE
© WWF-Hong Kong

Big Bird Race is WWF-Hong Kong’s longest-running birdwatchers event. Generating strong enthusiasm locally and from overseas, the Big Bird Race has grown into a legendary challenge for local bird lovers. It is becoming a regionally important bird-watching challenge, attracting school participants to join. Several local secondary schools were invited to participate in the race the previous year and a total of 13 student teams participated in the competition in 2023.

Youth Race

Event Date
Registration closes for Youth Race 23 February 2024
Mai Po Field Trip Period 26 February – 8 March 2024 (Sunday excepted)
Fundraising Award submission deadline 8 March 2024 before 6:00pm
Big Bird Race 2024 & adjudicator sharing 9 March 2024

Occa Yu - Big Bird Race 2024 Youth Team Adjudicator

Orca Yu has been working at WWF-Hong Kong as a Conservation Officer at the Mai Po Nature Reserve. In this role, he actively monitors and engages in fieldwork within the reserve, focusing on wetland conservation for wetland-dependent species. He is honored to extend his support as the Adjudicator for this year's BBR.