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Renewable Energy
© Olivia To/ WWF-Hong Kong

Whether derived from the sun, wind or ocean renewable energy is sustainable that will be key to tackling the climate crisis.
In Hong Kong, electricity generation-related carbon emissions in urban areas is estimated to contribute to as much as 70 per cent of the city's total carbon emissions. As one of the world’s leading cities, Hong Kong must proactively expand development of renewable energy to make our fuel mix sustainable and to significantly cut carbon emissions.

© WWF-Hong Kong

WWF-Hong Kong welcomes the government’s adoption of our recommendations by setting the initial Feed-in tariff rate at an attractive level of HK$3-HK$5/kWh for solar and wind systems with a guaranteed rebate period of 15 years. We believe it would promote small-scale solar system installations and attract investment in the local renewable energy market from private investors and corporates.

In 2015, WWF urged the government to introduce a Feed-in Tariff policy under the 2018 Scheme of Control Agreements. With the “Solarising Communities” project launched in 2016, WWF installed on-grid rooftop solar systems on stilt houses in Tai O, proving that the solar system can meet half of household power needs. The city’s first-ever Renewable Energy Certificate was subsequently launched for corporate application. In 2017, the project was extended with a 100 per cent Solar Mobile Café rolling through the city to collect public opinions. In addition, two studies on the potential resource base for renewable energy in Hong Kong and the economic cost of introducing a Feed-in Tariff for Hong Kong have been released.

Solarizing Communities – Tai

Solarising Communities – Power to the people

WWF’s “Solarising Communities” project launched in 2016 installed on-grid solar PV systems on the rooftops of three stilt houses in Tai O, demonstrating the city’s potential to develop solar energy. The project has extended with a 100 per cent solar-powered mobile café that aims to educate by offering the public a taste of solar energy and collect opinions on renewable energy development. These will help WWF  to advocate for the development of renewable energy with an ambitious 10 per cent renewable electricity target by 2030.

© Olivia To