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Professional Development
© WWF-Hong Kong

To increase teachers’ capacity to teach nature conservation and sustainability topics, WWF-Hong Kong has developed a wide variety of professional development programmes for teachers and formed an Education for Sustainable Development Network, a platform that allows educators to exchange teaching and learning experiences.

© WWF-Hong Kong
Teacher Professional Development Programmes
WWF-Hong Kong helps teachers design and implement teaching and learning activities related to nature conservation and sustainability, and promotes collaboration and experience-sharing among teachers. Our professional development programmes are delivered in the form of workshops and field trips that meet school requirements and that match with staff development days.
Staff Development Day
in Nature Application Form
© WWF-Hong Kong
ESD Network
WWF-Hong Kong’s Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Network facilitates better communication and creates stronger links between school teachers and multipliers. Network members also receive the latest news about WWF-Hong Kong’s education programmes and educational materials via email or WhatsApp. Join our ESD network (EMAIL) Join our ESD network (WHATSAPP)