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Diving Instructor Cue Card
© WWF-Hong Kong

WWF has invited many diving instructors, instructor trainers and course directors to join Marine Conservation X Dive-training workshops, discussing how to incorporate conservation elements into regular training courses. We have collectively developed a Code of Conduct for instructors and divers and a new underwater hand signal to remind diver to mind their fins, aiming to raise awareness of divers and minimize the impact of diving activities on ocean environment.

WWF has designed a set of 4-page diving instructor scuba diving cue card for easier daily training. If you are a diving instructor and would like to receive one, please contact us at Oceans@wwf.org.hk.

​To encourage the diving community to promote our Code of Conduct, WWF has also initiated a #MindYourFins social media campaign and launched #MindYourFins diving mask straps. We welcome all the divers to join our campaign, stay tuned to our social media update for more information!

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Divers Code of Conduct

  1. Buckle Up
  • Double check your gears (such as your second octopus and gauge) before you jump into the water. Keep a streamlined position and avoid dragging on seabed, coral or other marine life.
  2. Control Your Buoyancy
  • If the water visibility is low or you are descending too fast, there’s a high chance you’ll land on seabed or marine life directly and cause damage
  • Ensure proper weighting and build your buoyancy before reaching the bottom
  3. Mind Your Fins!
  • Be aware of your kicks.
  • Downward kicking could pull up sand or bottom sediment, ending up covering corals and impeding their growth
  4. No Touching
  • Study shows that divers with gloves are more likely to touch corals and other marine species
  • Avoid wearing gloves when diving, except in special circumstances
  • Do not touch marine life, because some coral species are slightly toxic and some marine organisms might be dangerous
  5. Don’t Take Them Away
  • Avoid interfering with marine life. Corals provide habitat and food for many other species, different marine organisms also play an important role in the ecological chain
  • It is illegal to collect corals and capture other marine species in marine parks/marine reserves
  6. Be a Responsible Underwater Photographer
  • Studies found that divers taking underwater photos touch seabed more frequently than those who are not, because they might rely on other objects to keep balance
  • When taking underwater photos, divers should keep good buoyancy and identify rocks from corals. If you need to support yourself, use rocks, not living organisms like corals.
  7. Leave No Trace
  • Everything a diver leaves in the ocean will become marine litter
  • Remember to bring suitable amount of equipment and tools when diving and take all your belongings and trash when you leave
  8. Don’t Pollute the Ocean
  • Sunscreens and body wash usually have chemicals which can pollute the ocean or even lead to coral bleaching
  • Wear diving suits with UV protection rather than sunscreens
  • Use plain water to clean up after your dive