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Cooperation Projects
© WWF-Hong Kong

The experience gained from Mai Po is replicated in different important wetland sites in China. The management standard in these sites is raised and public awareness increased through management planning, habitat restoration, co-management with local communities and environmental education activities. Through cooperation with different protected areas, WWF hopes to establish good models for other wetland sites in mainland China.

2017 – 2022 Luannan Nanpu Wetland Conservation Project, Hebei Province

Nanpu wetland, which is located at the northern part of Bohai Bay, is one of the most important stop-over sites for 350,000 migratory waterbirds to rest and refuel. To Red Knot (Calidris canutus), it is the single most important site on the northward migration in the EAAF. However, the site was not under legal protection then so WWF partnered with Paulson Institute, the Forestry and Grassland Bureau (formerly the Forestry Department) of Hebei Province and the People’s Government of Luannan County to launch an on-site conservation project.
Key achievements:
  1. Establishment of the Hebei Luannan Nanpu Zuidong Provincial Wetland Park in October 2020 so that the site becomes officially protected;
  2. Successful treatment of the invasive plant Spartina alterniflora on the natural mudflats so that the important feeding site of migratory waterbirds, especially shorebirds, can be maintained;
  3. Awareness on migratory waterbirds and their habitats of over 100 government officials was raised through organizing various capacity-building activities;
  4. Salt production was identified as the best wetland wise-use practice in Nanpu wetland after carrying out the Biodiversity-focused Environmental Impact Assessment. Salt pond shrimp cultivation was proposed to be having the greatest potential for Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certification;
  5. An interpretation system with the theme Harmony Between Birds and People was developed for the wetland park.
© Fion Cheung / WWF-Hong Kong
Guiding map in the wetland park with the theme Harmony Between Birds and People

2012-2017 Minjiang Estuary National
Nature Reserve, Fujian Province

Being at the mid-way of the EAAF, the reserve is home to over 50,000 waterbird individuals and 14 globally threatened bird species, such as the critically endangered Chinese crested tern (Thalasseus bernsteini) and Spoon-billed sandpiper (Eurynorhynchus pygmeus)
WWF has been providing guidance and support to the reserve in habitat management, wise use of wetland resources and education for sustainable development.

For more information, please download the summary report.
© WWF-Hong Kong
The trained reserve staff are now able to lead environmental education activities themselves 

2006-2012 Haifeng Bird Provincial
Nature Reserve, Guangdong Province

Over 20,000 migratory waterbirds use the Reserve as a wintering site, including rare birds such as Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus), Purple Swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio), Nordmann’s Greenshank (Tringa guttifer) and Black-faced Spoonbill (Platalea minor)
Key achievements:
  1. In January 2009, the number of waterbirds found exceeded 60,000; 
  2. Successfully demonstrated that the net income of operating the traditional gei wai aquaculture method is higher so that the local pond operators were more willing to keep this waterbird-benefiting tradition;
  3. Over 3,400 students from 6 local partner schools participated in the education activities;
  4. Haifeng wetlands was designated as a Ramsar site on 2nd February 2008

For more information, please download the summary report.
© Guangdong Provincial Forestry Department
Gei wai (traditional shrimp ponds) in Haifeng is an important feeding site to Black-faced Spoonbill

2005-2010 Zhangjiangkou National Mangrove Nature Reserve, Fujian Province

The reserve has the largest area of natural mangrove forest in Fujian Province with a wide variety of wildlife.
Key achievements:
  1. Increased the number of waterbirds by 12 times because of the high-tide roosting site constructed;
  2. Adverse effects on mudflat were reduced by encouraging the local people to  raise razor clam in ponds and introducing the use of less harmful insecticide in razor clam culture on mudflats;
  3. Started education work at 11 local schools, reaching over 3,600 students and educators;
  4. The reserve was designated as a Ramsar site on 2 February 2008

For more information, please download the summary report.
© WWF-Hong Kong
High-tide roosting site created in the reserve